Saturday, September 21, 2013

Happy Birthday, Belize!

September 21 is Belizean Independence Day

Mahogany Tree in British Honduras
By Standley, Paul Carpenter,  [Public domain] 
Happy Birthday, Belize!

On September 21, 1981, the nation of Belize was born.  The Central American country that forms part of the western shore of the Caribbean Sea wan its independence from the U.K. on that day. 

Formerly called British Honduras, the country had been called by the new name of Belize since 1973, but didn't have full independence for nine more years. 

To celebrate Belize Independence Day, here's one fact you may not have known about the country:  

The Mahogany tree is the national tree of Belize.

Want to know a little bit more about this popular cruise port of call?  Check out Pictures of Belize, where you'll see some pleasant scenes from there, and pick up a few more interesting facts with which to amaze and astound your friends, co workers, and fellow cruisers.

A few years ago, I was fortunate enough to actually be in Belize on September 21, and that day filled itself with memories I'll treasure for a long time.