Just now, I am trying hard to imagine what it might feel like to be in Isobel Peachey's shoes, and I honestly can't get there. See the painting above? It was unvieled today. Isobel painted it, thus becoming, at 31, the youngest woman ever to be commissioned to paint a portrait of Her Majesty.
Imagine, if you will, yourself a young artist... having won some awards, and enjoyed some success ... but not enough to have your own studio. You are still painting in your "Mum's attic."
Then, you are intereviewed by someone from the famous Cunard Line about how you might "approach an important commission." And the next thing you know, you have been selected to paint a portrait that is to hang in the Grand Lobby of the new Cunard ocean liner, Queen Elizabeth. And the subject of the portrait? It is Her Majesty The Queen, Herself.
The new portrait was revealed to the press today. Is it not stunning? Isobel, your name is made!
On October 11th, The Queen will officially name the new ship, and Miss Peachey's painting will be on board, waiting to be enjoyed by legions of cruise passengers over many a year to come.
Visit the artist's website here: