Wednesday, July 22, 2009

It Only Happens Every 10 Years .- and Princess is Going

It only happens every 10 years. . . the next time will be in 2010. . . . And Princess can take you!

What's that, you say? It's the famed Oberammergau Passion Play, presented by the residents of the village of Oberammergau, Bavaria, Germany. Not just a play, this is a monumental once a decade event. It's seven hours long, with a dinner served at intermission, and the audience comes from around the world to see it every 10 years. It's been happening this way for centuries - since the 1600's, in fact. In order to be one of the play's 2,000 participants- actor, singer, stage hand, etc - one must have been a resident of the village in good standing for at least 20 years. All the costumes are also made by villagers. (Public domain image, right, from the 1900 play, taken from Wikipedia ) Why? See below.

The NEXT PRODUCTION DATES are May 15 to October 3, 2010, and Princess Cruisetours can take you there. There are just two dates for this special 18 day cruisetour: August 2 and 12, 2010. Included are an 8 day land tour, featuring two nights in Oberammergau with tickets to the Passion Play, and a 10 day cruise to Scandanavian and Russian ports aboard the Star Princess. (Photo credit: Princess Cruises)

WHY do the people of Oberammergau do this once every 10 years?
Because, in 1633, they promised God they would present a play about the life of Jesus if He delived their town from the plague. He delivered, and so did they. ... And nearly 400 years later, they still do. Now, that's keeping a promise!

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