Wednesday, August 7, 2013

It's Lighthouse Day

August 7 Is National Lighthouse Day

Light The Way Lighthouse Print by bmthour 
Today is National Lighthouse Day in the United States.

Why was August 7 selected?  That's because it was on this day in 1789 that congress passed legislation authorizing the government to build and maintain lighthouses. You can read the full text of the legislation here,  It's just a few paragraphs.  They didn't need thousands of pages in those days.

These days, the lighthouses in the U.S. that still serve as active aids to navigation are automated, and have no need of keepers.  Most are open to the public, as they are important pieces of national and nautical history.

Today is a good time to reflect on the countless ships and souls that were guided to safe harbor by the beacon of one of these stalwart structures.  You might also investigate your local lighthouse or preservation association, if you happen to live near the ocean or a major inland waterway.

If, like me, you are fond of all things nautical, or lighthouses in particular, you might want to commemorate this special day by finding a great lighthouse jigsaw puzzle to work on the next rainy day.

It's also a good opportunity for me to introduce you to some works of Brenda Thour, one of my favorite artists.  You can purchase quality reproductions of her lighthouse, landscape, and wildlife paintings from her Zazzle gallery.  They are available not only on stretched canvas, and as posters, but also on a variety of other items, like these three examples:

For lighthouse lovers, here are several more pages that I've written.  Each showcases lighthouse themed products, and also gives some  brief stories about particular beacons.

Have a Happy National Lighthouse Day!