Today must be my lucky day. I have been invited to go on a CRUISE with a dear friend. It's a last-minute "Ladies Only" cruise, as it's less than two weeks away, and we'll be leaving the men at home! The arrangements were already made, and an extra bed was available because someone else couldn't go, so all I had to do was say yes, and pay a partial fare. This is turning out to be the most affordable cruise I've ever taken!
Although you might not luck into exactly the deal I did, lots of folks are finding some real bargains these days. Cruise lines are offering some phenominal deals to entice people on board during these tough ecomomic times. If you've been thinking of cruising, now might be the time to check into it.
Let's see? What to pack???
Well, one thing in particular that comes to mind is a a folding shopping bag -from (you guessed it) Cruise Ready Store. That's just in case we decide to do any shopping in Key West, Ocho Rios, or Grand Cayman. IF WE WANT, we can shop like crazy, without the guys complaining, cause they'll be safe at home! (hehe)

I might even take an one extra along as a little cruise gift for my friend . .
wonder which color she would like?
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TRAVEL ACCESSORIES at Cruise Ready Store
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